FALC has compiled a list of businesses and services that our members might find useful. We do not endorse any of these businesses nor is the club paid to recommend them. We have simply compiled information that several of our members have contributed.
We would welcome more recommendations from FALC members who have researched the best places for art related needs. Please note: This is not meant to be an advertising space for random businesses. The FALC organizing committee will decide if a recommendation is to be included on this page.
Many places may offer discounts if you have a seller's permit so don't forget to mention that when shopping.
Clearbags.com or clearenvelopes.com are good websites to buy clear plastic acrylic bags for protecting cards, prints and matted work. They also sell specialty items like vinyl book mark covers and checkbook covers that can be used to display artwork pieces. Shipping is usually very quick.
ULine.com sells bubble bags in various sizes which are great for protecting your framed work while transporting or storing. Prevents scratches and dents while piling artwork together.
JDM packing Supplies (JDMpackingsupplies.com) in Sunnyvale at the corner of Mary/Fremont sell bubblewrap in rolls in different sizes at very low prices. You could buy bubblewrap by the yard and make your own bags to protect your artwork. They have other locations in downtown San Jose at Bird/San Carlos.
Tap Plastics in Mountain View on Castro Street is a great place to buy plexiglass to replace glass for your bigger artwork. They sell acrylic in matte or regular finish and will cut the sheets to size while you wait. They also sell acrylic business card holders or display items and storage boxes and will punch holes (for hanging with hooks) on any items if requested. They have other locations besides Mountain View. Members have recommended that you buy the thinner lighter plexi since the thicker size seems to diffuse the image.
Tap Plastics is also a great place to buy velcro by the yard to stick on the back of labels. Their velcro seems easy to cut without ruining several pairs of scissors and prices are more reasonable than buying velcro at the sewing store or craft stores.
Costco.com has been recommended for getting your greeting cards printed with images of your artwork. They also supply the envelopes. They do however put a Costco stamp in the back of each card.
Kwik Copy at the intersection of Bollinger and De Anza in Cupertino prints greeting cards for 90 cents per copy (you can do 2 cards on a sheet). The 90lb paper is the thickest you should go with since it is not easy to score the thicker paper.
Red River Paper (www.redriverpaper.com or www.redrivercatalog.com) sells paper for prints, both economy and fine art, pre-scored greeting cards etc. You can order samples for a small fee to get a better feel for their products. Members have tried out their Premium Matte, Polar Matte and Fine Art Inkjet papers and pre-scored greeting cards.
DickBlick.com sells all purpose chip board that you can use as backing for your matted prints and photos. #13115-222 Chipboard Single Thick http://www.dickblick.com/products/all-purpose-chipboard/
Aaron Brothers is a good store for buying readymade frames up to 24 x 36. They do have a few frames available that are slightly bigger. The 40% off coupon is available online if you google it. Twice a year they have a "buy one frame get the second for a penny" sale and that is a good time to stock up. For a small fee, they will put your artwork in the frame and finish it with the hanging hardware. They also sell matboard if you want to cut your own mats with a mat cutter from Cheapjoes.com.
Pictureframes.com sells unassembled frames through an online catalog. Members have recommended the metal floating frames for canvas which are really easy to assemble with minimum tools. All frames come with the complete kit of hanging hooks and wire. Shipping time is sometimes long.
Picture Element (PictureElement.com) has been recommended for scanning, photography and printing. Mike and his staff there have received very good reviews from customers who say that they are not the cheapest but they do an excellent job. If you have a good home printer, you could use this place to get your paintings scanned (they will give you your image on a disk) and you could print at home yourself.
www.GoldenStateArt.com at 352 Shaw Road Suite D South San Francisco, CA 94080 has been recommended to get matting at a reasonable price locally. The contact person is Peter. They offer standard sizes and custom matting. They will ship the order or it can be picked up and they do not charge tax if you have a sellers permit. 650-226-8119.