- FALC Guidelines
FALC Guidelines for Copyrighted Material
The laws regarding copyrighted material are complex and not uniform from state to state. In order to avoid liability
and the burden of determining whether a particular image involves copyright infringement, FALC has created the following
guidelines for member artists. FALC assumes that it is the responsibility of the artist to honestly follow these
guidelines and assumes no liability for work that is submitted or displayed not following these guidelines. It reserves
the right to disqualify a painting if there is reasonable doubt about copyright infringement or plagiarism.
- Work entered for a show must be the artist's original work in concept and execution.
- It cannot be copied from copyrighted material or photographs belonging to another person or organization
except with the copyright holders’ explicit written permission.
- It cannot be the reproduction of a painting done by another person even if the original artist is
acknowledged on the painting.
- It cannot be the reproduction of a historic painting.
Framing instructions for exhibitions
- Watercolors and photographs should be framed and have glass or preferably plexiglass
protecting the face of the art.
- Plexiglass instead of glass is required for framed pieces larger than 20" in any dimension.
- Wrap-around canvases will be accepted without frames provided the painting continues around the outside
edge and does not have staples on the outside edges.
- All framed work must have suitable wire to accommodate the weight of the work and must have flat type
wire connectors (D-rings) to avoid damage to walls and other art.
- D-rings should be secured approximately 1/3 of the height from the top of the frame. Stretch the wire tight.
The raw ends of the wire must be taped. No sawtooths, clamps, clips or screw eyes can be used.
Guidelines for taking pictures of your artwork
- Make sure to take the picture in the daylight. The light needs to be even on the artwork
- The artwork to be kept straight while taking the picture. It can be kept on the wall or on the ground
- The image to be cropped in edges
Here are more tips on how to photograph your art -
Photographing your art